Monday, March 16, 2009

Another day in paradise!

Ok so I've had to look back and forth at my blog to see where I have to begin and where I left off. FYI I am mostly writing these blogs for people "really" care about my everyday life. It may be kind of boring but I'm trying to at least give some of you an up to date synopsis of my life... So yesterday was a BLAST! My grandparents in their 80's, Mom, me and the kids decided to walk down in my grandparents lake house. We could only get so far down the road because the rest of the road had not been plowed. So it was maybe 1/4 of a mile... As we walked down the hill the snow decided to get deeper and deeper. Soon enough it was up to my knees, then up to my thighs... We sledded Mimi down the rest of the hill because well, she couldn't get down the rest of the way. It was a blast. There were tons of trees down because of the ice storm they had a few months ago so the boys and I tried to move as much as we could. They were such good helpers. We also walked down to the lake which was covered but not enough so we could walk on it. I'm very paranoid about that kind of stuff... The walk back was ok but not as fun going up hill instead of down. But... We made it!!!
Today we went to Manchester to Chuck E Cheese's with Mimi and Pa and had a blast. We sent them off to the airport and now we are home and the boys are STILLL torchering the poor cat.
:( And yes I am looking out the windows and my eyes are hopefully decieving me because well... I think Jaren just jumped in the brooke again.. ARRGGH!!! Nope but I should go get them... Until then!

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