Sunday, March 15, 2009

New Hampshire!

Today is a georgeous day. Yesterday we went to the Morgan Horse Farm down in Bolton Ma. The kids had a blast. I am already looking for a place to put two horses and a dog for the next move... The kids have such a love for animals which is great! I just wish Jake didn't have such a fear of them and wasn't allergic to them as well... I guess that's what meds are for! We were also able to celebrate our friend Anna Ela's 100th Birthday. I was quite impressed that she remembered me and the kids. We haven't seen her in a long time so it was quite a wonderful day with lots of food, drinks, and fun. It is a beautiful day and feels like spring and the snow is finally melting. We are going to try and attempt walking down to Mimi and Pa's house and take a look at the Lake. I can't wait to post some pictures. I think I have found my new heaven!!!! I LOVE New England in the winter... Jaren is obviously having TOOO much fun. I've already had to change his clothes twice in a few hours because he keeps jumping in Granna's brook and sitting in mud. NOT a big fan of it but at least he is having fun... James is hilarious because he is keeping so clean. Pa and James are sitting out on a tree right now having a VERY intense conversation it looks like. I should probably get ready for the day and head out while there is not a cloud in the sky... Guess that's it for now!

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