Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sierra's Room!!!

Well, we finally got it done today! YAY for Sierra's room. I think for my first job painting a room I did a pretty dang good job. It was a lot of work and time but after lots of help we did it. Thank you Jake for the taping and hard work getting the last few stripes done with less than 1/2 an ounce left of paint. Thanks Mom for well, making our outlets purple!!! and making the second coat of paint last longer. Not sure how you did it but wish you were here to do it again. =) And thanks so much Amy for taking the tape off today. It meant so much that you could be part of the process. I still have a few finishing touches that I have to do but other than that I am very happy with the finishing look!


Lani said...

Wow! It's absolutely gorgeous! Stunning! Will you come paint my kids' rooms?!

Anonymous said...

Lookin' good!

Linda said...

It looks good! let us know how you got the sheen! :)

TGS said...

I love stripes, I did that in my bathroom with a grey on grey color to match my paris black and white photos. People love the stripes. I love your flat and sheen combo, great idea

Brian Owens said...

nice work, Jude! Love it. Hope you guys are doing great with your new move and all the changes--sounds as if you are.

Michelle said...

That looks frickin awesome! Can you come to Oregon to do up our rooms?

Mummy said...

I tagged you. Rules over at my blog.