Sunday, September 7, 2008

James getting jiggy with it!

Last night James was gettin' down with his bad self and of course the first time is always better and of course I didn't hold the camera the correct way so unfortunately you have to watch it sideways. It's a good laugh though! I must say though... "where did he get that hip action"???


Our Family said...

Well, I had to tell you! I was looking t your blog with Jonathan today and he thought that the dancing was great! He would sign more over and over again so we wtch it a few times. he loves to dance3 with his haands it mkes me laugh! I thought you would like to know that your kids entertain mine!

Phyllis Stock said...

James, you are quite the dancer! Loved it. Can't wait to come and dance with you! You are amazing!
Love, Grandma Stock