Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Guess he was hungry?!!!

Well, it's a new day and Jaren still hasn't been eating well. I've been on the phone all morning looking for apts etc.... I went downstairs to do some laundry and all of a sudden I could hear a swoosh of something. I went back upstairs and Jaren had emptied the whole box of Granola cereal on the floor. My first instinct was to yell at him because first of all it's MY cereal and it's almost $4.00 a box. I'm not a big cereal fan and it's pretty much the only kind I will eat. I counted to 10 and just laughed and grabbed the camera. I was just greatful he started eating. Guess Jaren is like me. A very expensive eater!!!

1 comment:

Debra said...

Girl... $4 a BOX? Yeah, visit the coupon blog. There are $2/1 coupons you print from the internet for Kasha cereal which makes it free at Walmart.

This happened to us 2 times this week, but since the cereal was free, I did not get TOO mad. LOL