Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A New Start!

Well, even though it is raining the kids and I are off to a really late start. Jim called us this morning and told he is our new "mean" landlord, and we can move into our new home as soon as the $$$ is paid. We are very excited! Now that is taken care of, James is feeling much better and wants to go see Granna's chickens and play in the lake. We will be heading off tonight and driving until I can see no more. I have so much to do and so little time. I need to get packed, go to the store and get to Chicago by 6:30 to sign the lease. Ok, well it's now 2:00 pm so I better get going. I can't wait to put some pictures up of the new place. YOU BETTER COME SEE IT IN PERSON THOUGH!!!!


TGS said...

Did I miss a step? Are you moving to Chicago IL? I'll be in Chicago 16th-19th.

Debra said...

I am so happy you have a place to live now!!! YEAH!!!!!!

Good luck on the drive!!